martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

trabajo en clase. Vídeos de danza

In this session you are going to watch a few videos.
The content is related to dance.
Dance is a very wide word and many different activities go inside it.
1-     Can you name any dance style?
2-     How many videos have you seen?
3-     Could you give a title to each video?
4-     Count the number of people taking part in each video, (dancing).
5-     Do they do any acrobatic gymnastics skills? Can you name any of them? Can you describe them?
6-     For dance, they use their bodies, but from your point of view, is there any other thing that helps to understand the meaning of the dance?
7-     Comparing the videos what clothes do you like the most and why?
8-     Comparing the videos what music do you like the most and why?
9-     Can you find a difference in the way boys or girls move during the dance?
10-  Does their facial expression take part in the dance? In which videos yes in which one no?

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